Dragon Hearted Girl – Chapter 2: Page 21

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I’m still here…

I’ve been spending a lot of time on a lot of other hobbies and it turns out, I end up spending more time on one than others.

Other things I’ve been doing:

  • Piano
  • Poetry (which can find on my other blog)
  • Video Editing
  • Self-defense

You’ll have to bear with me as I trudge through. Hopefully I can have another update for you soon because I still want to tell this story as much as I can!

Dragon Hearted Girl – Chapter 2: Page 20

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Oh Rory, I love you.

I’ll be honest… I started this page sometime last year. I picked it up again this week. It had been so long since I’d worked on it, I’d kinda forgotten what I was doing.

So it’s been a long while since the last update but I’m back again. As I mentioned before, I had a really busy time last year. I was pushing myself to do more things than I’m used to.  And I’m really glad for it, I challenged myself more, pushed myself outside of my comfort zone and learned so many things about myself. I feel like I’ve really grown as a person because of last year.

But I also realised I was doing too much. And it really did exhaust me. The pre-2017 me enjoyed doing quieter activities, whether that be “do nothing” which is introvert-speak for “hang out in my imaginative mind” or creative things that help build our inner-worlds. After all, that was how DHG started.

So this year, I took a step back. I retreated back into my own world. This year is about working out where my balance is. There’s still a lot I want to learn about myself and I’m slowly getting there!

DHG has been taken off the shelf and is back on my desk. It is, after all, my “heart and soul” project which so many messages I want to share with everyone – so whilst it may move slowly, it’s back up and moving!

Meanwhile, in other news – I recently watched an anime series called Your Lie In April. I highly recommend it, it is both emotional and beautiful and struck a chord* right in my heart.

Hopefully update you again soon!

*Pun unintended but I’ll go with it – it is after all a series based around music 🙂

Dragon Hearted Girl – Chapter 2: Page 19

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About time for a new update? 🙂 Rory reveals he has issues celebrating a cause he doesn’t agree with.

Non-comic news (in case you’re interested):
I decided this year that I’d try more things and fill my everyday life with more activities and adventure. I guess that’s why I haven’t been drawing DHG as much. I’m enjoying the new adventures but also realised it’s possible to do too much – it’s starting to tire me out a bit.

Like with everything, it’s about balance, right? So starting from now, I’m pulling back a bit more and figuring out what I most want to spend time on. Hopefully this means DHG will get some more attention… but we’ll see 🙂

In other news, I recommend the manga/anime ‘Sakamoto Desu Ga?’ A comedy slice-of-life, completely ridiculous but for that reason, I absolutely love it.

Dragon Hearted Girl – Chapter 2: Page 17

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New style! What do you think? Should I stick with this or switch back to using mainly screentones?

I’ve been doing a lot of one-off illustration-style pictures lately just for the fun of it so DHG has kinda taken a backseat lately… feel a bit bad for neglecting it because I really do love this story a lot. This new style is a little messier but less time-consuming. I think it’s the right balance I need to produce pages a little more efficiently. (She says hopefully but secretly worries it’ll still take a long time!)

Dragon Hearted Girl – Chapter 2: Page 16

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I’ve secretly been going through an emotional time these past few months so I’m really happy to have DHG to keep my mind busy and be a creative outlet for my feelings.

Although this page in particular was written years ago, I’ve only just drawn the page. But I have a Word document which is filled with ideas for future pages. I’m hoping the webcomic will soon catch up with my ideas but… well, I’m about 3 (probably more) years behind so I’m not so sure right now 🙂 But I’ll keep going because I really want to share this story.

If nothing else, it makes me feel better. I’m hoping as the story goes on, it’ll make some of you feel good too 🙂