Dragon Hearted Girl – Chapter 2: Page 6


Rory, you’re so mean!

Around the time of working on this page, I managed to slightly hurt my arm (not because of drawing, hahaha) … It’s nothing serious and isn’t really that painful, but even clicking a mouse button gives it a bit of strain at the moment.

As a result, I’ve been trying to rest it and avoid any unnecessary pressure on it. This means using my left (less-dominant) hand to do most things. It’s kinda funny, I’ve found it rather entertaining to switch my mouse hand and to change the way I type so my right hand works less. I tried to avoid using my right hand altogether but typing is unbearably slow πŸ˜›

It’s even more entertaining given that my day job requires me working with computers!

Given that DHG’s updates are a little sporadic, this likely doesn’t make a difference – but I like to keep you informed πŸ™‚ Hopefully by the time this update becomes available to you, it’ll be all better!

By the way, I’ve also been away for a little bit so if I take a while to respond, it’s because I have no access to do so πŸ™‚

Thank you for reading - I'd love to know what you think! Feel free to leave a comment :)